Monday, October 29, 2012

Synchronous vs. Asynchronous

I think class applications like Blackboard and WebTycho instigate the best learning because there is ability to be parts of an asynchronous group/class while still having some synchronous capabilities such as live chat for group activities. Even without video conferencing they still work very well in learning and teaching as an asynchronous model presents the best model for distance education when learner variables are so diverse. Synchronous programs like WebEx are good for more face to face capabilities especially in tech support applications (like my husband uses at his work), but are not the best for world-wide student participation. Face-to-face applications are good if instant response and interaction is necessary but if that aspect isn't required then asynchronous learning works just fine. With student's living all over the world in various time zones and with various family situations, work situations, and other life issues, asynchronous allows the most flexibility for the student.

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