Monday, October 29, 2012

Web 2.0 Technology

It is quite surprising at all the Web 2.0 technology that can be used for education. Most surprising was the use of multi-player social applications. I found I didn't like Second Life all that much so not sure how college would work well in that format. Twitter probably isn't the best teaching tool but it's great for announcements and other short note information that faculty or students want to convey to other students. MySpace and Facebook might be good choices as learning tools depending on the structure of the lessons or how the instructor utilizes applications and wall posts within the sites. Blogs are useful in conveying information in journal format and allowing comments from others for a discussion based application. I'm a user of Kindle e-books already so I'm all for using digital books in the learning process. Makes learning a bit more mobile. I didn't find Wiki type applications fun or useful for me. They are a bit confusing and takes a bit to learn how to use it. It isn't very user-friendly. But from a teaching/learning standpoint they are useful for classmate discussion and teacher commenting perhaps. It also seems like you can file share but I haven't used that function in our Wiki project so that aspect isn't clear to me yet.

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